HUHST Holds Working Meeting of 2017

On the morning of February 18th, the working meeting of 2017 was held in the gymnasium of HUHST. All staff members attended the meeting. This meeting was presided over by Guo Jun, Secretary of the CPCHUHST Committee.

The meeting commended the model units in 2016, excellent leaders and cadres, teachers, workers and administrators.

Liu Heyun, President of HUHST, made a work report. He made a brief summary on the work and achievements in ideological and political Party construction, transformation and development, teaching and research, teaching staff building, innovation and entrepreneurship, campus safety, civilization construction and internal management and reform. He made an analysis on the new situation of Chinas higher education development. Then, he arranged the work of 2017 in ideological and political Party construction, master program construction, cooperation between university and enterprises, innovation and entrepreneurship, high-level talent training, audit and evaluation, internal management and reform, infrastructure maintenance, civilization construction, and improving living standards of students and staff. He stressed that the year of 2017 is key to realize the 13th Five-year Plan, and expect the success of the 19th National Congress of the CPC. Every unit and every department should have definite objectives and tasks and realize them despite any difficulties. To push forwarddevelopment of our university with more dedication to work, strong sense of responsibility and serious attitude to work, and to implement each work task in 2017.

Guo Jun made some closing remarks, saying that President Liu had comprehensively and objectively summarized the work in 2016, and arranged the work in 2017. In this way, Liu had made good publicity and encouragement for the work of this year. In order to promote the development of our university, Guo Jun put forward some requirements as follows: Firstly, relevant people should know about and grasp the opportunities brought about by the new feature of higher education development in new phase. Secondly, teachers should realize their achievements and deficiencies in work, to enhance confidence and strength. Thirdly, they should work together and overcome any difficulties, so as to ensure the complete success of work tasks in 2017. He called for teachers and students to enhance their sense of mission and responsibility, work together to fulfill the targeted task, when faced with new situation and new tasks. Only in this way will the school have a bright future.