Our university wins great success in the essay-writing activity of "Good Teachers Around" in the year of building teachers' morality and style in Hunan Province.

In order to further strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and ethicsin the whole province, and to guide the teachers to love their jobs and devotethemselves to education, the Hunan Provincial Department of Education organizedthe essay-writing activity of "Good Teachers Around" in 2021--- theyear of teachers' morality and ethics construction in Hunan Province, and theessay selected by our university, "Cultivating peaches and plums in Do notforget your initiative mind, cultivating students in virtue and cultivatingstudents in virtue —— A Record of Teacher Zhang Feng, the head of secretarialmajor in College of Liberal Arts" (author Zuo Yujie) won the first prize.At the same time, they won 3 second prizes, 2 third prizes and 2 excellentprizes, and the university won the "Excellent Organization Award".

The essay-writing activity of "Good Teachers around me" was launched inJune. After preliminary screening in the university, nine articles wererecommended to participate in the provincial selection. This award-winningessay shows the advanced deeds of teachers in our school from the perspectivesof noble teachers' morality, caring for students, loving their posts and dedication,reform and innovation, further improves the construction level of teachers'morality and style in our university, guides teachers to strive to be"four-haves" good teachers, and fully implements the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue.

