Liu Heyun investigates rural revitalization

In the morning of October 5, Chairperson of the unversity consil Liu Heyun led ateam to investigate the promotion of rural revitalization in Guanxi Village,Jinshi Town, Lianyuan City, accompanied by the Organization Department,Publicity United Front Work Department, School-enterprise cooperation office,the College of Agriculture and Biotechnology and other relevant units.

       Liu Heyun held a meeting in the village meeting room and listened to the reportof the task force stationed in the village and the suggestions of the localtown and village leaders on the promotion of rural revitalization. He pointedo ut that rural revitalization is a major policy that benefits the country andthe people, and after the victory in poverty eradication, this is a historicshift in the focus of the work on “agriculture, rural revitalization strategyin s comprehensive manner. He fully affirmed the preliminary work of theschool’s task force an encouraged them to work actively with a high sense ofpolitical responsibility to make Guanxi Village a new socialist village withflourishing industries, pleasant ecology, civilized countryside, effectivegovernance and affluent living. When he heard that the area of oil tea andcitrus planting in Guanxi Village was only 28 acres and the yield was not high,Liu Heyun asked the person in charge of the Agricultural Research Institute whoaccompanied the research to strengthen the scientific research support forGuanxi Village and actively help develop industrial projects. After the meeting,Liu and other delegates inspected the reservoir, oil tea and citrus industrydevelopment base in Guanxi Village.

Liu Heyun paid a special visit to Yuan Tenghong, a child who is the  target of help, and sent him a condolence money, encouraging him to   overcome difficulties, study hard and strive to become a national pillar of talent.

(Wen/GongYanhua  Photo/Xie Liu)


