University Held Activity of Helping Freshmen

In order to actively respond to the requirements of national policies, ensure the admission of new students from families with financial difficulties, and carry forward the university spirit of "talent first, benevolence filled with school", on September 12, university held an activity calledcaringfor students, Principal Liu Tieming and Vice Principal Cao Xin distributed living and schoolsupplies to 13 Family financial difficulties freshmen.

Liu Tieming first welcomes all students to study in HUHST. He pointed out that as young college students in the new era, we must "With stars in eyes, thus can live up to the youth", family poverty is just a temporary condition, the party and country will always be a solid backing, and will sponsor every poor student to complete their studies. Principal Tie Ming taught everyone that we should study with peace of mind and live up to the ardent expectations of teachers and parents; We must have an optimistic attitude towards life, strive to strengthen morality and goodness, and strive toserve the society.

Regarding the work of studentaid, Liu Tieming demanded: first, to establish archives for poor students in a timely manner, second, to dynamicallytrace poor students, and third, to give timely care and warmth to poor students.

The sponsored freshmen expressed their gratitude to the party and country for their care, and they could feel the warmth of the big family of HUHST as soon as they entered the campus, and they would definitely study hard and work hard.